Clear River Series

The Clear River Church Series is designed to help you understand more about who we are, how you can mature as a follower of Jesus, and how you can be involved in what God is doing here. We offer one session in the series each month, and you may take them in any order. When you’ve completed all four, we invite you to consider looking more at our membership process.

People believe all different kinds of things when it comes to religion and spirituality. This session is designed to teach you the basic Christian principles we believe and live by at Clear River. It’s about our theology on the Trinity, what we believe about Jesus, the purpose of the Church, how we remain culturally relevant while theologically conservative, and many other foundational truths that are important for us as Christians to be grounded in.

We all take different paths in life. Many of them lead us through hurt, shame, pain, and regret (sometimes through no fault of our own). You will learn that time doesn’t heal every wound, it simply scars many of them over. This session of the Clear River Series looks at the transformation Jesus does in us as we learn to follow and trust Him. It’s about transparency, being known, being healed, maturing spiritually, and ultimately giving Jesus freedom to do what He wants in us.

Every follower of Jesus has been given spiritual gifts. According to the Bible, spiritual gifts are given to us by Jesus for the common good. The goal is that we would be equipped to help one another grow to maturity and become the people, and the church, that Jesus intends us to be. This session of the Clear River Series will help you discover more about your spiritual gifts and how to use them through serving. If you’re interested in serving somewhere at Clear River, this session will help you know the various areas where you might be able to serve and what might be a good fit for you.

Every person needs to have real relationship in their lives to do well. This session of the Clear River Series is about being connected to the local church and relationships with each other. It’s about what it means to commit your life to Jesus’ mission with other people and not be a “Lone Ranger” Christian. It’s about the importance of membership in a Church and learning that the church isn’t something we go to on Sundays; it’s what we are every day!